
Saturday, March 20, 2010

Raiding with PUGs: A Survival Guide

Greetings my loyal subjects!

(The following post requires some World of Warcraft raiding experience to appreciate.)

Are you a brand new discipline priest? Is this your first 80 toon and have zero experience in any raid? Got no one to teach you fights and must rely on PUGs? Read on!

Okay, I confess, I'm writing this more for myself than for any of you, but you are all ordered by imperial decree to read this anyway ^_^

1) Download the Deadly Boss Mod add-on. I know this will hurt your pride because, what kind of a leet healer needs add-ons? But trust me, there are way too many raid instances and way too many bosses for your non-encyclopedic memory to remember all the fights. Plus, there's too many things happening during a raid and too many people to heal, and you don't have ten billion eyes to see them all. DBM will alert you if a boss is about to do a special ability, if someone's being targeted by a special attack, and to run away if you're the target of the special attack.

2) Download Ventrilo so you can hear the tanks coordinating their attacks (and you know who to heal). Its also a great way to learn quick tips from more experienced raiders. You don't have to let these lowly mortals hear your divine voice if you don't want to.

3) If you don't know the fights, tell the raid lead that you don't know the fights. You don't want to cause the entire raid to wipe because you don't know what the heck to do, and be placed in the raid lead's never-invite-this-person list as a result. Tell them that you don't know the fights, and if they don't want to have to teach you, that's fine. Imperial beggars can't be choosers, and you'll eventually find a raid kind enough to teach you anyway. Besides, you're heals. Heals are hard to find. Raids will be forced to take you in anyway when they don't have a choice.

4) If your latency is above 600ms, log off! DON'T RAID! Do something else, like blog, or practice that stupid change foot spin, or actually get some work done on that new website. Just don't raid! Or the cool kids will shun you forever!!!

5) When somebody posts a healing recount and you don't top it, don't QQ. You're a discipline priest. Anyone you out-heal should be ashamed of themselves. Now if only someone would post a damage mitigation recount...

6) When you make a mistake and cause the raid to wipe, don't make excuses for it. But don't be hard on yourself either, even if the cool kids are all yelling at you. Just learn from that mistake, and move on.

7) Not raid related, but when you queue for that daily heroic, try to take a DPS with you. It will make their waiting time so much shorter. In fact, queue with everyone you know would want to get their daily even when you're done with yours. Not only will it help your faction, but will also win you some friends ^_~ Besides, more EoTs wouldn't hurt, especially if your shoes are still blue.

8) And most of all, have fun ^_^ Remember that this is just a game. Let the nerds have their nerd rage, but don't let them stress you out. Leave the raid if you have to and never raid with that person again if you want ^_^

Her Imperial Majesty



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