
Friday, March 12, 2010


Greetings my loyal subjects!

As you may have noticed, I have recently added an RSS feed to the Imperial Blog that indicates my latest World of Warcraft activities and achievements. I do not want to admit that I am actually proud of these achievements. Sadly, I am T_T

Anyway, I was just wondering. What if there is a shiny banner that pops up above our heads whenever we do a real life achievement, like getting promoted or losing weight?

Or finally learning a new skill in a sport?

Fine, I still can't do a change foot spin to save my life, but I was able to do four of them tonight (out of a bazillion attempts). Well, it was really just me spinning on one foot then changing feet then doing two spins before changing back, but the point is, I was still spinning.

I am SO going to skate all weekend. Geeky board games and online games be damned ^,..,^

Her Imperial Majesty



Blogger news

