I haven't been doing much raiding recently because my internet connection has become very intermittent. I haven't even been doing more than one heroic dungeon a day. I didn't want anyone to wipe (and have to pay for expensive repair bills) because I happen to have a lag spike at the most inopportune moment. The Imperial Brother and I are considering switching to a different ISP if this doesn't get fixed real soon.
Anyway, to at least help me ease my longing for World of Warcraft, I've been hanging around and exploring Dalaran. I didn't know there was a cloth armor merchant that sell tier 10 pieces here, which means I don't have to travel all the way to the Argent Tournament Grounds just to get them. I also discovered an unused tower wing in the Silver Enclave, where I now park my priest if I want to hide from people but stay in the city (why I'm posting this in a public blog is none of your commoner business).
And most importantly, I discovered this guy.

I always thought that this tree was just another druid waiting for something to do. I didn't realize that this person was actually a vendor, who sells fruits no less. The life of a healer is truly stressful, I suppose, that it chose to retire and become a humble NPC.
I, of course, checked out its wares.

Which caused me to wonder. Where does it get its wares? I hope it's not selling its own childre--- Where the heck did that fresh apple juice come from???

...Right. Okay then.
I like Applebough. It's cute, in a goofy sort of way. But I hope it understands why I'd never patronize it's business ^_^

Her Imperial Majesty
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