Despite the fact that I have recently discovered a passive-aggressive comment on one of my previous posts by a cowardly imperial detractor, who only had the guts to do so behind the impenetrable shroud of anonimity, I have resolved to continue entertaining you, my loyal subjects, who I KNOW are regularly reading the Imperial Blog otherwise Google Analytics is a big fat liar, with inane stories from my imperial life.
Anyway. Like I said last post, I spent the Holy Week playing Arkham Horror and Battlestar Galactica.
When I play Arkham Horror, I always pick Sister Mary for my investigator. See, I like Sister Mary. Not only does she start the game penniless and clue(token)less, she also has nothing but a useless cross and a useless bottle of holy water to protect her from monsters. Oh, and she also starts the game blessed.
Every turn, Sister Mary has to roll a d6 (that's a six-sided die for you non-geeks) to see if she loses her blessing or not. Under normal circumstances, it should be hard to actually lose this blessing since you need to roll a 1 to do so. But because I am such an evil empress, even the dice in a board game refuse to allow me to remain blessed and so would fudge the 17% chance of rolling a 1, making me lose my virgini--- blessing within the first three turns.
Anyway, because it was Holy Week, the Imperial Ambassador, who was running the game as usual, was able to randomly draw a mythos card where all the investigators may pass a luck check to get blessed. I, of course, was already un-blessed by that time and was happy for a chance to get re-blessed. So all the investigators rolled their luck dice and, despite the odds, everyone got blessed. Except me ~_~. Not until after I used up all of my clue tokens anyway.
So we were able to close all the gates and end the game with everyone still blessed. Except me ~_~. I lost my virgini--- blessing the turn right after we all got blessed.
Moving on.
Battlestar Galactica is always an enjoyable game for me. Despite the fact that everybody thinks I'm a Cylon. I've kind of learned to accept that. So anyway, I picked Boomer as my character for one game. See, every character in the Battlestar Galactica board game has a downside, and Boomer's was to be sent to the brig mid-game (during the sleeper phase) whether she's actually a Cylon or not.
So I was sent to the brig. Then a Cylon invading fleet appeared. I was the only pilot so I began bitching and moaning about how everyone else is a Cylon for not helping the only pilot get out of the brig when Galactica is surrounded by Cylon ships.
Finally, one of my gay friends (I confess, I have too many gay friends) relented and helped me get out of the brig. And the first thing I did after being freed was to reveal my Cylon card and kicked my gay friend into the brig ^_^ Finally, revenge after being accused of being a Cylon time and again (even though I always secretly wish that I actually was).
One of the things you have to do upon revealing that you are a Cylon is to give your remaining loyalty cards to another human or unrevealed Cylon player. To make things more interesting, we got some more loyalty cards (human) and I gave one to each player. Then we took a break for dinner.
See, I had the bad luck (or good luck, depending on how you view it) of drawing two Cylon loyalty cards during the game. So I was actually a double Cylon ^_^ Which means one of the human players is now also a Cylon ^_^
During dinner, everyone was accusing everyone else of being the other Cylon. Oh how I loved causing mistrust and intrigue in my Imperial Court ^_^
Unfortunately, we didn't get to finish that game because it was too late and everyone was too tired to think. Because I am a kind (but evil) empress, I didn't insist on finishing the game even if the Cylons were obviously going to win.
See, I don't have a pathetically fragile ego such that I need to win everything all the time ^_^

Her Imperial Majesty
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