Part of the fun in playing World of Warcraft is going into instanced dungeons and finding rare gear.
Some time ago, I had my new priestess join a group headed into Gnomeregan. It was fun of course, and the group loved my epic heals as usual. Then we faced the final boss, Mekgineer Thermaplugg. And defeated him, of course.
When we looted his corpse, we found an Electromagnetic Gigaflux Reactivator. I won the roll, and I was so happy to be able to wear my first rare headgear. Until I actually wore it. And it looked like this:
That is not my priestess, that is a random gnome wearing an Electromagnetic Gigaflux Reactivator. But anyway, the point is it looked ridiculous on my imperial priestess head. And as if the mini satellite dish isn't bad enough, the thing actually spins around your head, as if looking for a signal from Outland or something.
So I had to endure wearing that thing for several days, and I couldn't take it off because its stats are so much better than the other headgear I found. I also had to endure the cyber stares of virtually everyone I see in-game, and more than a few of them actually stopped to ask me what the heck I'm wearing.
I eventually came up with an imperially witty response:
"Excuse the funny hat. I am cosplaying a Terran Science Vessel."
A few days ago, I had my priestess join another group, this time going into Zul'farrak. After we defeated Shadowpriest Sezz'ziz, we were able to loot a Bad Mojo Mask from his corpse. Again I won the roll, and I was so happy because I have a better rare headgear to replace my ridiculous one. Until I actually wore it.
Again, that is not my priestess, that is a random gnome wearing a Bad Mojo Mask. But anyway, everyone in-game continued to give me cyber stares, and more than a few continued asking me what the heck I was wearing.
Which prompted me to come up with yet another imperially witty response:
"Excuse the freaky mask. I am cosplaying a troll."
I feel like my priestess is destined to wear ridiculous looking headgear >_<
I will now have to excuse myself, my loyal subjects, for I feel the need of raiding more instanced dungeons in the hopes of finding a rare, unridiculous looking headgear for my priestess.
Her Imperial Majesty
"Excuse the funny hat. I am cosplaying a Terran Science Vessel."
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